Saturday, April 16, 2011

And It Begins!

  The process has now began for the insulin pump.  We went in for the first of three visits yesterday and now Kaden has his pump with saline in it.  I wish I could say that everything happened without a hitch but that is far from the truth. 
   As Kaden played we were educated on how to set the pump and how to deliver the insulin.  This went on for about an hour to make sure we did everything correctly before we actually "hooked" Kaden up to the pump.  When the time actually came to get him set up he was uneasy and it took about an half an hour to get him calmed down and the injection site set.  He was just as nervous as we were and everything became a little intimidating for him.  It came down to bribery from the nurse and instructor and from us to get this accomplished.  When all was said and done he left with two toy cars and on the way home a stop at Walmart to pick out a toy from mom and dad.
  As nice as this is going to make his life it is not easy.  There is always going to be adjustment made to bring his sugars into check.  I think the hardest part for Kaden was that although he now has his pump he still has to get shots through the weekend.  We have made a chain where he can tear off one everyday until he no longer has to have injections.  We down to two chains and he is getting excited for that, though he is still hesitant.
  Kaden amazes me everyday.  I wish I could just have half the strength he does.  He is my hero and is teaching me each and every day.  I know this is not easy for him as he said today "I wish I didn't have diabetes anymore".  This was heartbreaking for me to hear and as a parent you want to protect them.  It is hard not being able to protect him from this but I am so grateful for the advances in technology that can make his life a little easier.

I would like to share this video a friend shared on her blog as she writes about her journey.  It is very touching and really shows the life of someone with type 1 diabetes.

1 comment:

  1. Thx for posting on Facebook. Luckily, for me, I didn't have very much to read to catch up. Glad you're blogging again.
